Arkiv-Global View

La spartizione cinese dell’Europa

Postuar në 21 Korrik, 2011 10:11

di Alessandro Aresu, Limes

Nell'ambito delle relazioni tra Europa e Cina, lo European Council on Foreign Relations ha pubblicato un report dal titolo provocatorio: "The Scramble for Europe". All'indomani della visita nel Vecchio Continente del premier cinese Wen Jiabao, il parere del senior researcher Ecfr.

Obama’s motorcade fined for London congestion fees

Postuar në 21 Korrik, 2011 10:10

Our dysfunctional politics

Postuar në 21 Korrik, 2011 10:10

Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post

We face eurogeddon and dollargeddon

Postuar në 21 Korrik, 2011 10:09

By Timothy Garton Ash, the Guardian

Responsible Journalism

Postuar në 21 Korrik, 2011 10:09

By Al Gore,

The Cameron Collapse

Postuar në 20 Korrik, 2011 06:11

By Roger Cohen, New York Times

Facebook narcissists

Postuar në 20 Korrik, 2011 06:11

By Joel Achenbach, Washington Post

These resignation statements are meaningless

Postuar në 20 Korrik, 2011 06:11

By Gary Younge, the Guardian

Why are we afraid of male sexuality?

Postuar në 20 Korrik, 2011 06:11

By Ally Fogg, the Guardian

Can Greeks Become Germans?

Postuar në 20 Korrik, 2011 06:11

By Thomas Friedman, New York Times

….Germany is the epitome of a country that made itself rich by making stuff. Greece, alas, after it joined the European Union in 1981, actually became just another Middle East petro-state — only instead of an oil well, it had Brussels, which steadily pumped out subsidies, aid and euros with low interest rates to Athens.


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